
25 de janeiro de 2011

na última vez que te escrevo

nos últimos dias consegui dizer-te repetidamente o quanto te amava. que tinhas os olhos verdes mais bonitos do mundo. que admirava a tua força. que acreditava na tua vontade. que queria ser como tu quando crescesse. que podias partir.
pedia-te para me sorrires mas só raramente o fazias quando me vias chegar. em troca, contava-te histórias num ritmo cadenciado que acompanhava a tua respiração. deitada ao teu lado, as costas das minhas mãos colavam-se ao rosto que já não era teu. dizia-te que podias partir, mas não te podia largar.
por fim, os teus olhos verdes não seguiram o meu olhar contido. não vi a despedida. voltei a dizer que gostava muito de ti. gosto muito de ti. foste tanto.
e agora fico assim. relutante em chorar a tua morte porque serás sempre a pessoa com mais vida que conheço.

13 de janeiro de 2011

it's been a long time, long time

Well it's been a long time, long time now
since I've seen you smile
and I'll gamble away my fright
and I'll gamble away my time
and in a year, a year or so
this will slip into the sea
well it's been a long time, long time now
since I've seen you smile

nobody raise their voices
just another night to mourn to
nobody raise their voices
just another night to mourn to

5 de janeiro de 2011

i'll get by with a little breath from my friends

Between two lungs it was released
The breath that carried me
The sigh that blew me forward

Because it was trapped
Trapped between two lungs
It was trapped between two lungs
It was trapped between two lungs

And my running feet could fly
Each breath screaming
"We are all too young to die!"

Between two lungs it was released
The breath that passed from you to me
That flew between us as we slept
That slipped from your mouth into mine
It crept between two lungs
It was released
The breath that passed from you to me
That flew between us as we slept
That slipped from your mouth into mine
It crept

Because it was trapped
Tapped between two lungs
It was trapped between two lungs

Now all the days of begging
The days of theft
No more gasping for a breath
The air has filled me head-to-toe
And I can see the ground far below
I have this breath and I hold it tight
And I keep it in my chest with all my might
I pray to god this breath will last
As it pushes past my lips
As I...

Between two lungs it was released
The breath that passed from you to me